CSUBUY for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Researchers
CSUBUY is a shared shopping service managed by the California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office, and is available to all CSU campuses. The shopping portal provides a vast collection of suppliers that offer products at CSU contracted prices, which leverages the buying power of all CSU campuses and provides you with the best prices for your purchases.
菠菜网lol正规平台 researchers can shop from multiple supplier catalogs (websites) at one time, and pay for purchases with a Research Foundation procurement card. Items can be shipped to an 菠菜网lol正规平台 address that is listed in CSUBUY. Research Foundation sites have been added as ship-to locations. Please note that items cannot be shipped to an employee's home or any other non-菠菜网lol正规平台 address.
Access to CSUBUY
All employees (菠菜网lol正规平台 or Research) with an 菠菜网lol正规平台One credential can access CSUBUY by logging into the portal.
To do so:
- Go to one.tsunoi-toso.com, search for CSUBUY, and then click the tile.
Figure 1: One.菠菜网lol正规平台 CSUBUY Search Results
2. Click the Login to CSUBUY button located on the right side of the screen.
Figure 2: CSUBUY Home Screen
User Roles
The system allows two user access roles — requester and shopper. You are automatically
granted the shopper access when you log in to CSUBUY. The requester role is reserved
for procurement card (P-card) holders.
If you do not have a Research Foundation P-card, you are able to use the system as
a shopper. In the shopper role, you are able to shop from supplier catalogs, add items
to your cart, and then assign (transfer) cart items to your designated procurement
cardholder to complete the purchase.
Note: The requester role is not automatically granted to users. You may request a change in your role by completing the CSUBUY Access Request Form.
Shopping in CSUBUY
Requester (P-Card Holders)
- If you have a Research Foundation P-Card, you can add your card to your profile, move to the CSUBUY Shopping Home Page, begin selecting your items from supplier catalogs, add items to cart, and complete the purchase in the system using your own Research Foundation P-card. Be sure to select the Research Foundation address as the billing address whenever your use your RF P-Card.
Shoppers (Non-Card Holders)
- If you do not have an 菠菜网lol正规平台RF P-Card, you are able to use the system in the shopper role. You are able to move to the CSUBUY Shopping Home Page, select items from supplier catalogs, add items to cart, and then assign (transfer) cart items to your designated Research Foundation procurement cardholder to complete the purchase on your behalf.
The primary “requester” for Research Foundation is Tracy (Trang) Pham. Lovepreet Kaur and Loralee Quintero are backup requesters. Be sure to monitor your cart since CSUBUY does not have a time-out function. If the primary requester is out of the office, you will need to reassign your cart to one of the backup requesters to complete the purchase.
For detailed instructions on how to assign your cart, refer to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 User Guide for CSUBUY located on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Finance and Business Services Training and Tutorials web page.
- When assigning your cart, be sure to include a note to the assignee that includes the following information:
○ Name of recipient, if different than shopper
○ Name of the principal investigator or account signer, if different from
the shopper
○ Grant account number and object code
○ Name of OSP analyst
○ Complete ship-to address (including building and room number for 菠菜网lol正规平台
campus deliveries)
Note: The Accounts Payable team will not be able to complete your order without the information shown above. If any of the requested information is missing, a member of the Accounts Payable team will contact you by email.
- Cardholders will receive email notifications confirming (1) that the order was received and (2) the date the order was shipped.
- Final receipt will be emailed to the cardholder
Two other methods for obtaining a copy of the receipt for the P-card reconciliation are described below.
Each supplier catalog has an Order history feature. Cardholders can retrieve receipts by using the order summary/history feature found in the supplier’s catalog (as shown in figure 3). This receipt will match the transaction posted in the procurement card statement.
Figure 3: Supplier Order History Screen Example
Cardholders can also retrieve information for P-Card reconciliation by searching an order in the CSUBUY puchase order history (as shown in figure 4 below). The purchase order, which represents the order sent to the supplier, can be found in Orders > Purchase Orders.
Figure 4: CSUBUY Purchase Order Search Screen Example
The information retrieved during the search will show the order as it was relayed to the supplier. It will not identify whether the order includes multiple shipments, is on backorder, or has been cancelled (as shown in figure 5 below).
Figure 5: CSUBUY Purchase Order Search Results
Reconciliation of “Assigned” Purchases
If you have assigned your order to the Research Foundation AP Team, they will reconcile all purchases to their team card. Using the information provided in the note to assignee the team will route the transaction for approval by the OSP analyst in Access Online (US Bank P-Card site for 菠菜网lol正规平台RF). The OSP analyst will review and approve the purchases on the bank website.
For complete details on CSUBUY, refer to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 User Guide for CSUBUY on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Finance and Business Services Training and Tutorials web page.